Summer is often seen as a time for revitalization and freshness. There’s no better time to freshen up your look than in the warm summer months. Playing around with different looks and styles can be a whole lot of fun. Here are some tips to get you feeling super summery and ready to hit the beach:
Amp Up Your Smile
Get those pearly whites picture ready! Everyone wants to have that perfect grin in all their happy snaps this summer, so why not do some research on the best teeth whitening solutions out there? There are a host of options, from popping in to see your dentist, using a DIY teeth whitening kit, or making an appointment with a salon or kiosk. Be a little wary of this last option as it is a highly unregulated industry, and practitioners may not have any dental training. Dentist whitening is the most effective option, but if you are on a tight budget, you should see a result with an at-home option as well.
Get that (Un-)Natural Glow
Fake tan has come a long way since the orange oompa-loompa look of the nineties. You can visit a tanning booth or salon, or pick up a bottle in your local drugstore to apply at home. With such realistic and affordable options out there on the market, there is no excuse to put your health at risk by sizzling in the sun. Having the perfect golden brown glow will have you feeling summer ready in no time at all.
Brush up Your Make-Up Techniques
Whether you like to wear make-up every day or just for special occasions, you can easily change your look by switching up your make-up style. There are loads of Youtube videos available with quick and easy tutorials that you can practice in the privacy of your home, or book in a session at your local make-up counter to get some one-on-one time. An essential element of summer make-up is to ensure that your tinted moisturizer or foundation matches your skin tone – many people have to use a slightly darker color for summer. But don’t skimp on sunscreen to achieve this sun-kissed look or your skin will pay the price for years to come.
Refine Your Style
Refine your style this summer by flipping through a magazine for inspiration and creating lookbooks. You can also go the digital route and create a Pinterest board for inspiration, and then shop your wardrobe to pull together similar outfits based on clothes you already own. Often, our mental block is the only thing stopping us from rocking out the red lipstick that we admire on other people.
Work on Your Confidence
Have you always looked longingly at girls who float around is peasant dresses? Or wished you could pull of rockabilly style? It is easy to compare ourselves to others, and wish that we had longer legs, curlier hair, a smaller waist, or flawless skin. But the most attractive quality in anyone is confidence.
It is a long and often a tough journey to learn to love ourselves exactly as we are, but it is a journey that is well worth the time and effort. Use these tips to gain confidence in your skin, revamp your wardrobe, and fresh up your look and style. And remember that the best thing to wear is your confidence. After all, we are in this body for the long haul, so it is never too early to start appreciating all the amazing things about it!
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