Try These Tips to Eat Well On a Budget

Try These Tips to Eat Well On a Budget
Eating healthy can sometimes feel like drudgery rather than a fantastic way to take care of your body and mind. If you are on a budget, you may find that quick, processed foods are what you put into your grocery cart each week.
When you plan a little bit beforehand and start your week with a little batch cooking, you can reduce your stress by staying on budget and eating much healthier. Convenience foods may appear to be a lot cheaper and easier, but once you get started with healthy cooking and eating, you may be surprised at how much more expensive junk foods are.
Seasonal foods cost less, as do plant-based proteins that are nutritious and delicious. If you are ready to start exploring your options for eating well on a budget, you have come to the right place! Follow these helpful and healthful tips and you too can eat for pleasure while staying within your budget!

Buy Fresh and In-Season Produce

When produce is sourced closer to your home the cost is often lower. Food co-ops and farmers’ markets are a great place to source fresh foods while keeping costs in line. If you fear that you won’t be able to eat all of your bounty before it spoils, blanch and freeze the surplus for use at a later date. 

Research Some Recipes

Once you begin cooking healthy meals that cost less you may be surprised at how easy it is! There are a variety of recipes that are delicious while only costing around $3 per serving! And most are easy to prepare and fun to eat.

Add These Proteins

Brown rice, quinoa, lentils, and tofu are great ways to boost your protein intake without breaking the bank. Nut cheeses and butters are also high in protein without being too expensive. 

Ditch Those Take-Out Menus!

Brown rice, quinoa, lentils, and tofu are great ways to boost your protein intake without breaking the bank. Nut cheeses and butters are also high in protein without being too expensive. 

Work Weekly Food Shopping and Cooking into Your Regular Routine

When you are prepared and have the necessary ingredients on hand each week to cook nutritious and affordable meals, you are a step ahead of the game! Preparing a weekly menu and shopping list for both lunch and dinner will increase the likelihood that you stay on track, both financially and healthfully.

Cook in Batches

Many healthy foods require a bit of prep time, and when you are able to do that work ahead of time, it makes meal time that much easier. Chop and prep veggies, and cook enough proteins and grains for the week on Sundays. This will allow you to simply combine all the ingredients together for taco night or a stir-fry. 

Consider Leftovers A Bonus Meal

Leftovers make a delicious lunch, and at the end of the week when you are near the end of your food supply and budget, you can combine them into a great weekend casserole or pasta dish. Minimizing waste is a great way to save both time and money!
You may be surprised once you get going at how much more affordable healthy cooking can be! A little pre-planning will go a long way, as will shopping for ingredients that are in-season and well-priced. Sales and discounts are another way to save, so keep an eye out for coupons and specials from your local grocery store and co-op. 
Photo by Pablo Merchán Montes on Unsplash
Hi, I'm Keltran Jefferson, writer, and editor at, We here are committed to providing the authentic most updated knowledge about health, weight loss, and fitness.