Your overall health depends greatly on your metabolic health. But what does it mean to be metabolically healthy?Well, researchers define metabolic health as having an optimal waist circumference, and levels of blood glucose/hemoglobin, triglycerides, blood pressure, and HDL cholesterol....
Trying to lose weight? No matter what diet you choose, losing weight involves an intentional focus on your goals. You have to make good choices, keep track of how much you eat, and continually focus on the way you...
Weight loss gives you the confidence to ace anything you wear. But weight loss shouldn’t always be about fitting in an attire one size smaller. Belly fat can be dangerous to your health. Accumulation of fat in the body...
2020 was a year like any other.  Without naming the obvious reasons, the year spawned many new trends like remote work, ZOOM happy hours and even new fitness trends. With many gyms and fitness centers closed, the year changed...
“You are what you eat”. That is a popular saying about your diet. My guess is that everyone knows that your diet is an important part of your health. There is a saying that we will remain the same...
Most people have such busy schedules that they are completely withdrawn from the option of hitting the gym to keep themselves fit. So, what do you do if you’re overwhelmed with an unending workload to stay fit? Just because...
In the past, the word ‘vegan’ used to have something of a negative connotation to it. What was once dismissed as a fad, or an extreme choice of apparently giving up tasty food, is now a mainstream trend.Now however,...
Root canal and teeth removal are the two procedures your dentist may use to treat damaged or infected wisdom teeth. Although severe toothache may tempt you to pull your tooth out, losing one may cause permanent damage to your...
People with dementia suffer a decline or sometimes even loss of various mental abilities, beyond the scope of normal aging. These abilities include memory, language, judgement and others. Dementia usually affects people over 65 years of age, although it...
Obesity is a rampant health issue that plagues a major proportion of the world population today. The condition is associated with a number of health problems and this is the reason that it should be dealt with effectively. While...

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