Anyone looking to achieve the Hollywood Greek God body in a short span of time? Well, Kinobody claims to do just that for you. That too without giving up on food that you love. They claim to create a food and workout balance that makes it easy and fun to achieve your goal.
Gregory O’Gallagher who has also dubbed himself as the Bruce Wayne of real life in a YouTube video is the man behind the whole program. A man who knew from a young age what he wanted and went ahead and achieved it. Now, he is helping others to do the same with his three-step program. It covers everything from physical to mental transformation. Leaving a new person at the end of the program, that has a great body and new confidence to carry that body around.
Okay! So, being a lazy person that considers grocery run a workout I decided to give Kinobody a chance considering I don’t have to give up on pizza that I eat several times a week. (They did say no need to give up the food you love.)
So, while looking for Kinobody review from other people online I did not come across any that had been dedicated to the workout itself. Even Gregory’s Instagram is full of people appreciating his body (rightly so) and no tips as promised on the website. Some more digging did bring me to their programs.
The first thing about this workout that stood out was that it was unisex. The same workout that targets both men and women at the same time. It also focuses on creating a fit and lean body shape instead of focusing on bulking up muscles. Though I was unsuccessful in getting any female transformation pictures from anywhere. The whole website only has men sharing their pictures of before and after. It was a bit motivating but I needed to see how it affected my own gender also.
Starting from The Top
Starting with Stage 1, The Warrior Physique, it focuses on the core and building strength that would later help with the other two stages. You get to chisel up like never before and you will also gain muscle in all right areas while shredding fat just as fast. The program also claims to boost the sexual appeal and while helping you achieve the highly sought after V-shape. Along with all of this you would also lose 6 to 8 pounds of fat that would also take off 2” from your waist. Everything in less than a month and that too without feeling hungry or highly fatigued.
There isn’t much explained as to how the person would achieve it. Other than that the program is easy to follow, nutrition chart and workout regime. Though there is a 74-page PDF along with 3 FAQs that you will get along with this program. You will have easy to follow training videos also. Though there is a missing chapter instructing on how to achieve those chiseled 6-packs!
Keeping It Going!
Then comes the second stage, The Greek God Physique. Based on the method of MEGA that stands for Minimal Effort Growth Acceleration. This workout regime shifts the focus to working out to three days a week and taking forward the effort that we started in the first stage. Focusing on more muscle less fat and the dense look. They even offer ten different kinds of workouts that would help you tackle any plateau that you face during this stage. They even focus on nutrition for people on a budget, making sure everyone is able to achieve the look. You will be armed with a 3-day split workout guide, a FAQs guide and community access that will only be for the private members.
The Final Countdown Begins Now
This is the final stage, achieving the Superhero Physique, with more strategy and less work. Focusing on the rest pause training technique and working smartly. They also arm you with Core Superhero Bulking Program Manual, Workout Substitution Guide, Bonus Module, Lifting Protocol Tutorial, and Living the Superhero Lifestyle e-book. That help you along the way to achieve an envy-worthy look.
Look Like a Goddess!
Achieve a Goddess like body by working out only 3 to 4 times a week with proper cardio and nutrition. You also get to eat what you want and keep the body. They also focus on achieving the perfect curved body instead of going overly slim. The women-centric, Goddess Toning Program equips you with an Exercise Routine Videos, Goddess Mindset & Motivational Workbook, and The Goddess Meal Guide for a full all-rounded result.
Aggressive is the Way to Go!
When nothing else works, you whip out the Aggressive Fat Loss 2.0 program. Focusing on reprogramming your body to lose fat faster. You also get to learn what to eat and stay full without staying hungry. It targets the stubborn fat.
Master the Bodyweight
Bodyweight Mastery helps you achieve the perfect wide square body look by tuning your bodyweight. This program equips you with Nutrition Guide, Full Workout Progression Tutorials, and Private Members Group access.
Does Kinobody Work:
There were some upsides to the workout if kinobody works for people that do it. But, I feel like it isn’t for everyone as it claims to be. Everyone has different body types and reactions to what it is put through. I feel like I won’t be able to achieve as much as they promised considering I can’t do half the things I read about them. I also came across an article that said Kinobody has one or the other form of fasting attached to all its programs. Eating and not eating at different times, that did not sit well with me. For a person looking to start out, this is way too advanced. This is for people who are already into fitness and can put up with the high regime. People like me need to first build ourselves for this challenge before we start this program. For those that the program works for it would be great to look like that!
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