The modern diet might save us a lot of time and energy but, in reality, it can cause a lot of damage to the digestive system. It often leads to upsetting symptoms, such as bloating and flatulence; moreover, when we eat the wrong foods, we are actually affecting our general health. If you are looking to improve the health of your digestive system, all you have to do is keep on reading. In the following paragraphs, you will find a couple of useful tips with regard to such matters.
#1 Opt for a fiber-rich diet
A sure way to improve your digestive health is opting for a fiber-rich diet. Even if you are interested in following a detox diet plan, this does not mean you should give up such foods. You have to up your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains and legumes. The more fiber-rich foods you consume, the more efficient your intestinal transit is going to be. Moreover, this diet can prevent the appearance of chronic conditions, such as the irritable bowel syndrome.
#2 Include probiotics in your diet
Probiotics are healthy bacteria, which contribute to the adequate functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. These are found in fermented foods, such as sauerkraut and kimchi, and, of course, in dairy products, such as yoghurt, kefir and buttermilk. As an alternative, you can consider taking probiotic supplements. Once you replenish the friendly gut bacteria, your digestive system will be able to absorb nutrients with more efficiency. Furthermore, you will be protected against the damage done by bad bacteria.
#3 Drink at least eight glasses of water per day
Even though this might sound like a cliché, you need to drink the recommended amount of water (at least eight glasses of water per day). Proper hydration contributes to the healthy functioning of the gastrointestinal system; dehydration, on the other hand, only favors problems like constipation and uncomfortable, even painful bowel movements. Increase your water intake to activate your intestinal transit and do not forget to consume dehydrating beverages – coffee, black tea – in reduced quantities.
#4 Pay attention to your meal schedule
Our digestive system functions in a cycle, like the rest of the body. The gastrointestinal tract is very sensitive to changes and irregular meals can cause quite a lot of damage. What you want to do is educate yourself and begin eating three main meals – breakfast, lunch and dinner – along with two healthy snacks. This will keep your digestive system in the best possible shape, without any problems related to the intestinal transit. Always sit down to have a proper meal and avoid eating on the run, as this can have a bad impact on digestive health as well.
#5 Get moving
You might not think there is a connection between the sedentary lifestyle and chronic GI problems but, in reality, the link is stronger than you might imagine. The more time you spend sitting down, the more your digestive health will suffer. By engaging in regular physical exercise, you will increase your heart rate and activate your metabolism. Moreover, the hunger sensation will be regulated and you will end up burning a lot of calories. From another perspective, physical exercise will tone your muscles and protect you against the risk of obesity.
#6 Serve a cup of green tea every day
Green tea is one of the healthiest beverages around and the perfect alternative to coffee. It has a wonderful effect when it comes to the health of the digestive system, facilitating digestion and soothing an upset stomach. Moreover, it is rich in antioxidants, such as polyphenols and catechins. These antioxidants can protect against oxidative stress, reducing the risk of cancer and other chronic conditions. Green tea offers superior protection of the gastrointestinal tract, speeding the digestion of food (and especially proteins).
#7 Manage your stress levels
When we are often stressed or anxious, this tends to have a negative impact on our health. The digestive system is particularly sensible to high stress levels, functioning in overdrive. Thus, we end up suffering from gastritis and ulcers, with the overall quality of life being genuinely reduced. The simple solution is to relax more, opting for pleasant activities that relieve stress. Once you will enjoy yourself, the stress will go away and so will your digestive problems.
#8 Modify your eating habits
In today’s modern world, we are just too busy to sit down and eat a proper meal. We prefer fast food and end up doing quite a lot of harm to our digestive system. If you want to maintain the best possible state of health, you need to modify your eating habits. Apart from having a fixed meal schedule, as previously mentioned, you should try and eat when you are relaxed. Stress only makes matters worse, impairing digestion. Avoid watching TV or spending time on your phone while eating. Also, try to eat slowly, chewing and enjoying every bite.
#9 Choose quality over quantity
We often hear about restaurant meals being offered in generous portions. This is not something we should be happy about, as a moderate portion is enough for a satisfactory meal. At home, you should always eat in moderate quantities, paying attention to the quality of the food and not to its quantity. Prepare homemade meals from fresh ingredients, with delicious herbs and spices as seasonings. Avoid using too much salt and sugar, as well as unhealthy fats; opt for wholesome meals and you will definitely notice an improvement whereas your digestive health is concerned.
In conclusion, these are some of the best tips to follow, in order to improve the health of your digestive system. As you have seen, most of them require that you make certain lifestyle changes; you need to opt for a diet rich in fiber, with seasonal fruits and vegetables. You have to increase your water intake, exercise more and take probiotics. Speaking about health supplements, you can read the Probiotic 40-Billion review and convince yourself about the efficiency of this product.
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