5 Myths and Facts About HCG Diet

5 Myths and Facts About HCG Diet

Obesity is a rampant health issue that plagues a major proportion of the world population today. The condition is associated with a number of health problems and this is the reason that it should be dealt with effectively. While eating healthy and following a regular exercise routine helps, there are other measures that quick and effective weight loss. One of these is HCG diet, a protocol that can help dieters shed up to 1-2 pounds a day. The protocol comprises of a low-calorie intake of 500 calories a day combined with daily intake of HCG diet drops or injections. Considering the surprising results that HCG diet brings, there are several myths and misconceptions about it. The first question that dieters ask is what is HCG diet? Let us know all about this magical diet plan that brings amazing weight loss benefits.

Understanding the HCG Diet Protocol

Decades of scientific research and thousands of dieters who have successfully lost weight with HCG diet vouch for its efficacy. This twofold diet program helps you to lose weight in two ways- firstly, by reducing the calorie intake to the minimum and secondly by accelerating your metabolism with the help of HCG hormone. The dieter has to go through three phases in this diet. Phase 1 or the loading phase requires him to take high calorie food so that the body can prepare itself for the rigorous program ahead. Phase 2 or the core phase is the main phase of the diet, during which a 500-calorie daily diet is combined with thrice-a-day HCG drops dosage. Phase 3 or maintenance phase is the time when the dieter is allowed a daily intake of 800-1000 calories and the drops are discontinued. This is the time when the body is adapted to losing weight without the drops. The effects of this diet protocol are miraculous, with a rapid and sustainable weight loss.

Myths and Facts about HCG Diet

Now that you know all about HCG diet, it is important to delve deeper and see the myths as well as facts related to it.

Myth 1: HCG diet can be harmful for the body

A common myth about this protocol is that it can bring more harm than good, considering the super-low calorie intake it encourages. However, the other side of the picture is that it uses HCG as the key weight loss supplement. HCG is a hormone which is found in pregnant woman and stimulates the fetal growth by fulfilling its metabolic requirements. The hormone is responsible for mobilizing the stored fat in the female body and utilizing it for the growth of fetus. The same principle works in the HCG diet, with the only difference being that the fat burnt results in weight loss. Combined with restriction of calories, it brings about effective benefits. With this, it becomes clear that there is no danger associated with this diet.

Myth 2: HCG diet is just a fad

Some people say that this diet is just a fad, a passing trend that is short-lived and will soon be discarded. But this is a huge misconception because the protocol dates back to the 1950s, when the hormone’s weight loss effects were first discovered by Dr. ATW Simeons. It has been used for years and is still one of the most popular weight loss diets that are revered by thousands of dieters across the globe. Not only do they appreciate it for its efficacy, but also acclaim it because it is completely safe. The fact is that HCG diet is here to stay and dieters will continue using it in the time to come.

Myth 3: HCG diet is not natural and healthy

Once again, this statement is contradictory in itself because the protocol is based on a natural hormone that is synthesized within the human body. Moreover, can there be a hormone healthier than the one that makes a fetus grow within the mother’s womb? The second aspect of the protocol is its back to basics diet which encourages a minimal intake of calories in the form of healthy and natural foods. Seeing both there aspects of HCG diet, it can be said that it is completely natural and healthy. Weight loss via this protocol is based on the twin process of reduced calorie intake and enhanced metabolism, both of which act naturally on the accumulated fat and get rid of it.

Myth 4: HCG diet does not bring sustainable results

Another widespread myth that disfavors this diet program is that it does not bring sustainable results. Some even go as far as saying that the hormone is addictive and dieters tend to regain weight as soon as they stop taking it. Once again, this is a misconception that needs to be debunked. The Phase 3 or maintenance phase of the protocol is meant to help the body to adjust itself to sustaining weight loss even after the HCG drops are discontinued. The dieter just needs to ensure that he stays on a low calorie intake (around 800-1000 calories a day) and eats healthy. Staying active is also the key to keeping the lost weight off for longer.

Myth 5: Weight loss with HCG diet is because you eat less

Some people believe that the miraculous weight loss is attributed to the very-low calorie intake rather than HCG drops taken during the diet. However, the fact that the dieter does not feel starved or fatigued after such a rigorous diet well explains that HCG has a lot to do with it. Normally, anyone whose daily calorie intake is restricted to only 500 calories would feel deprived. But with HCG, it is the accumulated fat deposits that are burnt rather than only the utilization of the calories consumed every day. As a result, the dieter still feels energetic despite the stringent dietary restrictions.

Now that all the myths related to the HCG protocol have been debunked, you can safely trust this diet and use it to lose all the extra pounds with least effort. Enjoy shedding all the accumulated fat and keeping it away forever!


Hi, I'm Keltran Jefferson, writer, and editor at radweightloss.com, We here are committed to providing the authentic most updated knowledge about health, weight loss, and fitness.