In the period of transition from winter to spring, we feel particularly vulnerable – the weather is unpredictable in its behavior.
Air temperature and atmospheric pressure rise, daylight gradually increases. All this, of course, affects our well-being – according to statistics, about 30% of the population depends on these peculiarities of the weather (a third of all men and almost half of the women in developed countries of the world). Mostly, these are city dwellers, estranged from nature, have forgotten how to live according to its laws. The risk group for meteorological dependence includes those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases, neuroses, respiratory and musculoskeletal diseases, and mental illnesses. However, quite healthy people are just as vulnerable – they react to weather metamorphoses with headache, drowsiness, apathy or, on the contrary, nervousness, and irritability.
Find out what threats to your health the Summer has in store by reading this article.
Bad weather by itself can significantly spoil the mood: you immediately remember how parents had disagreements more often on cloudy days.
However, the transition period is not only the weather “roller coaster”. This time is also characterized by a lack of resources of the body. Over the long winter months, our “safety margins” are exhausted, and there is nothing to fill them with for now – hence weakness, lethargy, apathy;
Hypodinamia. In the cold season, we often hide away the gym membership, preferring to “exercise” on the couch in front of the TV. As a result – apathy, lethargy and joint pain. And even seasonal depression! It has been observed that in women it occurs more often – on the basis of newly acquired extra pounds.
Avitaminosis. It is known that winter nutrition isn’t that varied – it’s mostly meat, cereals, and ready-to-eat foods. Because of that, we miss out on a lot of vitamins that all of those missing fruits and vegetables can provide us with.
Biorhythm failure. If winter and summer are relatively stable periods, then autumn and spring are quite unpredictable and serve as transitional periods.
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As a result, the work of our organs and systems changes from their usual schedule, the immune system gets weaker, and we can easily catch a cold or chronic disease (even worse so, the respiratory and digestive organs are quite vulnerable during these days).
What to do? Is it possible to counter these dangers? Of course, if you take some protective measures.
Prevention of URTI
The main reason for “rampant” colds in the off-season is weakened the immune system. Be attentive to your body, do not ignore the first signs that it is under threat (fatigue, drowsiness or insomnia, frequent fever episodes) – on the contrary, you should support it! You should start with a lifestyle change: get enough sleep, if possible, give up bad habits, look at the world through the lens of positivity.
In order not to catch the disease it is enough to follow a few simple anti-cold rules.
- Wash your hands and do not touch your face as the viruses enter the body through the nose and mouth, moving there from your dirty hands. The more often you wash your hands during the day, the better!
- Regularly ventilate your room and clean it.
- Drink more liquids (give preference to ginger, chamomile or mint tea).
- Rinse the nasopharynx with saline solutions – this way you will wash away the viruses that have already entered the body.
- Spread garlic and onion around – the phytoncides they secrete have a bactericidal and antiviral effect.
- Any drugs should be taken strictly according to your doctor. Do not prescribe antibiotics for yourself. It is addictive, it violates the microflora and undermines the body’s defenses.
Spoil yourself!
In the off-season, this is a preventive measure against many diseases!
- So, the number of useful procedures includes color therapy. Try to choose clothes of bright colors. This itself can cheer you up!
- It is equally important to be able to choose your own rhythm of life: someone needs to pause (refuse overtime work), others, on the contrary, to accelerate themselves (go in for sports). It is important to listen to yourself!
- Doctors recommend taking sun and air baths – spend more time outdoors (on the weekends it’s best to go out of town).
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