Injuries and accidents are common among people. When it comes to injuries, you need to seek professional medical assistance to recover well. This is not just it. You need to add certain things to your diet to get better quicker.
From dry fruits to fresh meats and protein, there are a lot of things you can incorporate into your diet while recovering from an accident. Here are a few things that you should add to your diet to recover much quicker and remain healthier.
Proteins are extremely important for your body as they help you make tissues and muscles. After you suffer from an accident, the muscles in the body are damaged and immobilized. This normally leads to a decline in muscle mass as well as your overall strength.
If you increase your protein intake, you will start to feel that the injured part starts getting better more quickly. Some rick sources of protein are:
- Chicken
- Red meat
- Fish
- Nuts
- Peas
- Beans
- Seeds
- Tofu
Your accident doctor will recommend that you take complete bed rest once your body is suffering from an accident. The minimum resting period is 2 weeks but if the injury is severe, it may take a while for you to get on your feet. It is possible for a person to gain weight and develop unwanted fat deposits on their body.
The key to maintaining weight while on complete bed rest is to reduce your caloric intake. Reducing your calories is the only way you can maintain your weight especially if you are not doing some cardio. One of the most effective ways to reduce the number of calories you are eating is by increasing your fiber intake. Fiber gives your body a sense of fulfillment and you feel much fuller even after eating small portions. Some fiber-rich foods are:
- Fruits
- Vegetables
- Legumes
- Whole grains
Vitamin C
Vitamin C rich foods are one of the best things that you can consume. It not only has anti-inflammatory properties, it also helps the body make collagen. Collagen is the major structural protein that helps you maintain the strength of your muscles, skin, bones, and tendons. It is also an anti-oxidant that comes with anti-inflammatory properties that help you reduce unwanted inflammation and unnecessary discomfort. Some of the most common vitamin-C rich foods are:
- Red and yellow bell peppers
- Citrus fruits
- Green leafy veggies
- Mangoes
- Tomatoes
- Kiwi
As much as you think fats are bad for your health, having a sufficient amount of fatty acids like omega-3 is extremely beneficial for your body. These fats help you get rid of the unwanted inflammation in your muscles after the accident. Some common sources of omega-3 fatty acids are:
- Fish
- Flaxseeds
- Cashews
- Algae
- Chia seeds
- Walnuts
Many people like to buy cashews online because there are many websites that are offering great deals on this somewhat expensive dry fruit. There are some studies that claim that taking omega-3 supplements can help improve protein production in the body, minimize loss of muscle mass throughout immobilization and aid healing from head injuries like concussion.
Creatine is a known natural agent present in protein sources. It allows the body to generate energy when you are exercising or going through some vigorous activity. The human body will also contain around 1 gram every day. Creatine has now known as a good additional supplement that is widely used to enhance muscle mass and boost performance in a variety of activities. Intriguingly, it can even help you heal from injuries. Creatine can improve your healing process by decreasing the amount of muscle you lose directly after an accident. It will even help you recover strength quicker after you get back to regular activities. You can find creatine in your regular protein sources like:
- Poultry
- Fish
- Beef
- Mutton
Glucosamine is a material commonly present in the watery fluid surrounding the joints. It plays a major role in the creation of tendons, ligaments, and cartilage. Your body normally creates glucosamine, but you could still raise your levels with medically prescribed supplements.
Study in conditions such as arthritis suggests that glucosamine can be effective in mitigating joint pain, which is very frequent in the elderly who come across an accident.
Some common sources of glucosamine are:
- Shrimp
- Lobster
- Bone marrow
- Animal bones
The supplements that your doctor will provide you are also made of these ingredients. Based on the results obtained, some people take glucosamine supplements to help relieve joint and bone pain or to accelerate healing from fractures. However, further analysis is required before firm conclusions can be taken.
It should be remembered that glucosamine supplements can pose a danger to someone who is sensitive or allergic to shellfish or iodine. Pregnant women as well as people with diabetes, heart issues like high cholesterol, asthma, or high blood pressure can also face some side-effects. Therefore, it is important that you consult your doctor.
Zinc is an element that comprises different enzymes and proteins, such as those required for accelerating the healing process, tissue repair, and development after a car accident. Any patients could be tempted to take zinc supplements to guarantee that they stick with their prescriptions.
Yet zinc goes head to head with copper for absorption, so consuming large quantities of zinc from supplements will increase the risk of copper deficiency. This is why doctors recommend that you obtain zinc from natural sources. Some natural sources of zinc are:
- Meat
- Pulses
- Shellfish
- Nuts
- Whole grains
Other Foods
While it is clear that you can enhance the recovery process by eating healthy food items like proteins, vitamins, fibers, and other minerals. However, in case of broken bones, your accident doctor will recommend that you have a diet rich in the following minerals:
- Magnesium promotes bone health and makes them strong. It is found in nuts like almonds, cashews, brown rice, and skins of potatoes, milk, and lentils.
- Boron which enhances bone quality by promoting the retention of calcium and magnesium and improving the influence of vitamin D. Prunes is the best source of adding boron to your diet.
- Arginine is an amino acid that is required to manufacture nitric oxide, a chemical that is important for the healing of fractures. Meat, beef, poultry, fish, nuts, and oatmeal are the main suppliers.
- Silicone plays a significant role in the formation stages of bone development. If you break any bones, this is the best way to regain bone health and heal your bones. The best sources are whole grains like wheat, oats, etc. and cereals, vegetables like carrots and green beans.
Taking your diet seriously is an important factor that promotes healing. You need to add important nutrients like protein, vitamin C, Fiber zinc, and others to support your health. Not only do they help you in healing the external wounds and injuries, but these minerals can also come in handy if you want to look after your weight while being at bed rest due to the accident. Just maintain a healthy diet and always follow your doctor’s prescription and you will feel a big difference in your health. Just don’t consume anything that you are allergic or sensitive to. Supplements should also be taken as advised.
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