Stem cells have promised us of understanding a range of injuries, diseases, and conditions. They also are better treated today than before. They are potentially seen using blood stem cells. This is true in the course of treating diseases related to blood. For one, stem cell therapy is continuously saving the lives of children with leukemia. It can then be observed in the stem cells’ use for tissue grafts. Certain injuries or diseases are now treated about skin, bone, and surface of the eye. The stem cells are now becoming more involved in clinical trials. Researchers are also continuing exploring for more and newer avenues using medicine stem cells.
There may seem a lot to learn about stem cells. But, their present applications as a treatment are exaggerated by other parties and media forms. They do not completely understand the limits and science involved in it.
The good thing is that this article is written to assist you with fully understanding its potentials and limits. You’ll also spot the misinformation that circulates the world.
Different Stem Cell Types Serve Their Different Purposes
Once you know more about the different stem cell types coming from the different areas of the body, you’ll also explore more of their different roles. Specific stem cells can essentially play a part in healing.
For instance, the hematopoietic or blood-forming cells in the bone marrow can regenerate blood cells. The neural stem cells found in the brain can also make brain cells.
Experience of the Physician to Conduct Stem Cell Therapy
Experience means a lot. That’s why when considering stem cell therapy; look as well through the experience of a physician. One should also have successfully carried out the procedure. This way, the fewer the complications and the better the outcome will be.
In the field of surgical procedures, a surgeon can be considered already an expert if he or she has done a procedure several times. Clinics should tell you exactly the number of procedures performed. These can essentially include the numbers of the blood platelet procedure. Better to ask the number of stem cell procedures completed.
Types of Stem Cells to Use
Understand that bone marrow is by far the richest form of mesenchymal stem cells. It’s also demonstrated that the mesenchymal stem cells are the most effective. This is in regard to orthopedic repair. This also is applicable for tendon and cartilage tissues.
Dosage of Stem Cells to be Re-injected
Dosing in the right amount of medicine is the key. Once when the stem cells have been harvested, they are now processed thereby removing the less useful tissues. These can also include the inflammatory agents that produce purified and concentrated stem cells. Some clinics are using small and not just centrifuges for isolation. And this brings about poorly-concentrated stem cells. This also does not provide specific cell counts. Ask the clinic provider how much is to be re-injected in the stem cells. Know more about how they concentrate, isolate, and count the number of stem cells.
Correct Placement of the Stem Cells
The stem cells should hit the center part of the area affected. This is when stem cell therapy Bangkok will optimally be effective. The physician must also know the right away of injecting the cells into the degenerated or damaged area. A little difference will mean a lot between a continued dysfunction and pain of the joint and a successful outcome.
So far, three methods of stem cell therapy are now being practiced. These are named as follows: shotgun approach, blind injection, and marksman technique. The blind injection is practiced over fifty-percent of clinics while the shotgun approach is known to apply image guidance. This targets the areas that are easily reached. Now, the marksman method mixes image-guidance and advanced training. This also highlights ultrasound and fluoroscopy.
Stem Cell Therapy Right for You
Consult with an honest physician about stem cell therapy. Know if it is indeed a perfect method for your condition. Ask more about the treatment outcome expected. Know as well about the evaluation.
Keep these things in mind when considering stem cell therapy!
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