Cosmetic surgery in 2018 is being seen as one of the most accessible ways to obtain a body of choice. Out of these, breast augmentation is the most common and consists of the major proportion of total procedures done till that. The year of 2015 witnessed nearly 280,000 women and teenagers undergoing breast augmentation surgery about 106,000 breast cancer patients underwent breast reconstruction after mastectomy. Not just that, the procedures saw a whopping growth of 11% in breast reduction surgeries as well, also termed as reduction mammoplasty.
What breast augmentation surgery can do?
Women prefer or need to go through breast augmentation mostly for four reasons:
- To upsurge fullness and projection of their breasts
- To develop a balance of breast and hip contours
- To reduce the size of their breasts.
- To reconstruct the breast after mastectomy
Why you need a financer for your Breast Surgery?
- Insurance companies usually do not cover the Breast implants. Therefore, only you have to bear the costs that would incur from the procedure. The cost includes facility costs, anesthesia fees, doctors’ fee, and the cost of the implants.
- The procedure overall is extremely expensive and can cost you your life’s savings. Therefore, getting a financer is the best option and you can explore multiple methods of receiving the finance for implants.
What are the options for financing your breast implant?
You can apply for loans from various sources.
- From bank:Banks usually do not provide medical loans for breast implants. However, you can apply for other type loans namely: Personal loan, Loan against equity, Loan against credit card, Loan from your 401(k) account.
- From a finance company: There are various financing bodies, which offer personalized loans for the procedures like cosmetic surgery and breast implants. You can also apply for a loan from these bodies. Example, Pawnshops.
- From doctor’s payment plan: Some private doctors and hospitals offer easy to pay installments on the bills. You can contact your doctor and ask if he or she offers any such option.
What is the risk?
- You need to put collateral– Bank loans are generally not an option for manyseekers who possess a bad credit score. However, some banks may offer you the loan, but only after you provide some good collateralsagainst it.
- Credit carts fail to serve–Turning credit cards into a financing option may often result in backfiring if you have a bad credit score. Moreover, the cost often goes above the credit limit causing you to pay high-interest rates and APRs. It is very unlikely to get such cards that will have sufficient limits for an expensive procedure like breast augmentation.
- You might lose your equity– Though loans from finance bodies like Pawnshops do not depend on your credit score, they would want you to put a valuablecollateral and repay the loan in a very short time with full interest. If you are unable to repay the amount you will lose your collateral for good.
A new way to get the finance- Crowdfunding
For those women who cannot afford the extensive cost of the breast implants, there are websites that promise to pay for their surgeries, effectively offering free breast implants to them. Crowdfunding has proven its efficacy by accumulating capital for nontraditional expenses for a number of intentions. Where there are crowdfunding websites for an array of intentions, platforms for getting free breast implants are gaining massive popularity too. Just search for free breast implants and you will be served with the various niche -based crowdfunding websites dedicated to raising money for cosmetic surgeries.
How does it work?
It is very simple and works exactly like every other crowdfunding website. Ladies who need finance for their breast implants need to sign up for the campaigns and earn the money through donations from men who follow their profiles. For example, HerBodyBank, a similar crowd-funding website operates like a social media website.
Adult Women, sign up on the platform and update their profile with photos. They mention their intentions for the donation and set a goal amount they desire. They also explain their campaigns and way they can adopt to be paid. Ultimately, start interacting online with men across the website.
Men, who are also called as ‘Contributors’ sign up as members and donate to the women in their cause. In order to give donations, they simply have to purchase credits, also called as ‘tokens’, whichis used to interact with the ladies on the platform.For each message a fundraiser receives, she gets a token. Once she accumulates the goal amount, she can receive a payout. These websites take a percentage of the accumulated money to run their maneuvers
Why men would finance your surgery?
These dedicated crowd-funding sites in-house thousands of women accounts who are accumulating funds for their cause. As a man, if you are interested in interacting with women and want to help them boost their self-esteem and confidence with breast implants, you can sign up as a contributor and donate to receive explicit content from them.
Do they post naked photos?
A responsible answer would be “No”. As these are not porn sites, women on the platform do not have to explicitly resort to naked photos to get the donations. However, these campaigns are purely voluntary; users of both kinds come by their own choices and are free to express their campaigns in the best ways possible. It depends on the women if they enjoy showing their appreciation to their contributors with a one-to-one sexy photo, video, or cam session. Men would be motivated to donate more if they get to enjoy explicit photos of the interested female fundraisers.
Author Bio: I am a professional blogger, guest writer and Influencer. Currently associated with HerBodyBank as a content marketing strategist.
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