Obesity has almost tripled across the globe as per World Health Organization (WHO). What is more unfortunate is that a large proportion of the public in the USA is either overweight or obese. In fact, being overweight is something associated with negative effects for a large number of individuals in both physical and psychological domains.
Although losing weight can be a big challenge, but achieving a lasting weight loss is what is more challenging. It demands the transformation of your diet as well as the fitness routine.
Fortunately, there are unambiguous simple strategies you can incorporate to your daily life to boost the burning of fat in an easy manner. But wait…If you think that the only effective way to trim off your body fat by surgical procedures then you might be wrong. Keep on reading below to burn fat in a healthy way.
- Start Doing Strength Training
The kind of exercise demanding muscle-contraction from you against resistance is called strength training. It is effective for increasing strength as well as building muscle mass. 78 individuals having metabolic syndrome reduced visceral fat by doing strength training according to a study. In fact, visceral fat surrounds the organs around the abdominal area, therefore, is an unhealthy kind of fat.
According to another study, strength training coupled with aerobic exercise, when done for twelve weeks caused a reduction in overall body fat more effectually than aerobic exercise unaccompanied. Some of the few easy ways to get your hands-on strength training includes weight-lifting, body-weight exercises as well as gym equipment.
- Add More Healthy Fats In Your Diet
It may appear surprising to many of you though, consuming more healthy fats can be helpful in preventing weight gain. What is more, is that it may also aid you in maintaining satiety. It takes a while for fat to digest according to a study. Nevertheless, fats can aid in slowing down the stomach’s emptying process and, thus, hampers hunger and appetite.
According to another study, adopting a Mediterranean diet having a higher amount of healthy fats from nuts and olive oil is related, to lowering the risk of gain in weight in comparison to a diet low in fat. Some examples of healthy fats to add in your diet are avocados, coconut oil, nuts, and seeds as well as olive oil.
- Take Help With A High-Fiber Diet
Having a diet high in fiber can help you a lot in executing your fat burning goals. Not only has it helped in burning fat, but also in maintaining a normal healthy weight. Soluble fiber gives a feeling of fullness by absorbing water and moving via the digestive tract at a slow pace as per researches. If you are looking forward to having a fiber diet, consume more and more raw vegetables and fruits, whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts.
- Go Easy On Refined Carbohydrates
If you really want to lose those extra pounds, eliminate refined carbs totally or as much as possible from your diet. I know it can be daunting but it is not impossible. Mainly, the reason behind eliminating them from your diet is that they have low fiber content. Wondering Why? Actually, refined carbohydrates have their germ and bran removed during processing, which makes them a poor source of fiber. Some examples of refined carbs are white rice, white sugar, and white bread.
Additionally, the glycemic index of refined carbohydrates is also indubitably high, which can lead to the rise and falls in levels of blood sugar, causing a rise in hunger as per research. Furthermore, a diet rich in refined carbs may have a link with increased abdominal fat as per some studies. So, eating them will get you more calories with fewer nutrients. Moreover, you will be feeling hungry again after a short time.
- Consume Probiotics Regularly
A kind of healthy bacteria present in your gut is called probiotics. From immunization to cognitive health, the bacteria present in your digestive tract can contribute to everything according to researches. You can consume unsweetened and low-fat plain yogurt on daily basis to have probiotics.
- Use Medical Herbs For Losing Weight
Medical herbs especially Kratom has been found to be helpful in achieving a healthy weight. Not only, has it helped in hindering hunger but also curbs cravings. Aside from this, it also helps in reducing stress, which may have an association with weight gain. Hence, you can go for Kratom use for weight loss, visit BKC to learn more.
- Do Not Give Up Unless And Until You Achieve Your Weight-Loss Goals
Some people may underrate this strategy, but it has a vital role in losing fat and then maintaining a healthy weight. Follow a healthy diet and go for exercise routine on daily basis or most days a week. Keep on following these strategies until you become fab from flab. Trust me it is the healthiest way to burn fat and to keep it off. So, just keep up the healthy spirit.
F Dutheil, et.al., (2013), “Different modalities of exercise to reduce visceral fat mass and cardiovascular risk in metabolic syndrome: the RESOLVE randomized trial.”
S Ho Suleen, et.al., (2012), “The effect of 12 weeks of aerobic, resistance or combination exercise training on cardiovascular risk factors in the overweight and obese in a randomized trial.”
- Mackie Alan, et.al., (2013), “Specific food structures suppress appetite through reduced gastric emptying rate.”
B Burton-Freeman, (2000), “Dietary fiber and energy regulation.”
C Razquin, (2009), “A 3 years follow-up of a Mediterranean diet rich in virgin olive oil is associated with high plasma antioxidant capacity and reduced body weight gain.”
McKeown Nicola M, (2010), “Whole- and refined-grain intakes are differentially associated with abdominal visceral and subcutaneous adiposity in healthy adults: the Framingham Heart Study.”
PA Spadaro, et.al., (2015). “A refined high carbohydrate diet is associated with changes in the serotonin pathway and visceral obesity.”
H Borgeraas, et.al., (2018), “Effects of probiotics on body weight, body mass index, fat mass and fat percentage in subjects with overweight or obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.”
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