During our fit journey, we all need someone who can help us in keeping check on ourselves. We need someone who 24 hours can tell us that how much calories we have consumed. We need someone who can warn us to be careful when we are about to cheat. We all need someone who can keep us reminding to have more and more water. But question is: From where to get this “someone”? Will getting it be expensive? Well… Actually, no. This “someone” is just few steps away from you. Go to your “GooglePlayStore” or “AppleStore” and download the weight-loss apps.
Now of course, you will want to know the best among them. Don’t worry! Here we are sharing with you 8 such best apps:
Lose It!
It is one of the most popular weight loss apps which is currently on the market. The reason everyone seems to have it on his or her phone is that it really works. You can customize own plan based on the specific goals you’ve in mind, track the calories take in and the one you burn via its huge database of ingredients & menus. You can also have a health coach which gonna provide you extra guidance. Moreover, Lose It! is free.
Fit Break
Most of times there is no time in the day to go the gym . FitBreak – which is developed by the same people behind Weight Watchers – helps in squeezing fitness in anyway. It tells about so many moves. Hence, you can do more than 25 to 30 different moves (which you can choose according to your ease as there are so many moves shown there) in just 10 minutes (30 second for each move). With it, you can do exercise/workout in your house as well as in office, or anywhere outside). It integrates into the Weight Watchers app too, so you gonna see just how much these tiny moves pay off in the end.
It too is free.
Skip the grocery line with this app which delivers groceries from local stores (or whatsoever you want) within an hour to you. With big box stores like Costco, Target & Whole Foods on board, meal planning at the beginning of the week will get so easier for you. This apps makes you stop making very popular excuse that ” I could not do meal preparation. So not gonna do dieting this week”.
InstaCart is too free to download.
Diet Bet
If you have always wanted to join a weight loss challenge with your favorite celebrity trainers, DietBet gonna help you. Here you’ll find everyone from Extreme Weight Loss pros Chris & Heidi Powell to Blogilates’ Cassey Ho hosts challenges. And… The most amzing thing is if you drop 4% of your body weight in 4 weeks, you will take away a cut of the cash.
It too is free to download.
Noom Coach
Let’s be real. Keeping a food diary helps a lot in weight loss, but it is so hard to check it every time. Well. No worries. Now we’ve Noom Coach. It makes things manageable a huge thanks to its gigantic food database (yes, it even know how many calories are in a bowl of Chipotle burrito). After getting an idea of your eating style, this app gives suggestions to make your meals healthier. Here you can join groups full of people with similar goals. This will motivate you much.
It is free.
Carbs and Cals
Portion size is the major reason of weight gain. This app helps to realize exactly how much is on plate (rather than telling you the number you struggle to identify with). In simple words, look at what is on your plate, match it to the photos in the app to get how much you are really serving (& what healthy eating guidelines recommend).
Carbs and Cals is not free. But in just $5 you get it for ever which is not a bad deal.
My Food Diary
When you like to tackle healthy eating in a more fantastic and CLEAR way (because it is not always just about counting calories), use this app. There are 7 different ways to log each bite, & you can share your account with friends to make recipe logging a breeze. It gives Color-coded nutrition reports at the end of the day so you can have an overall look at where there might be flaws in your nutrition plan.
This app is free to download.
This app connects you with a certified nutrition coach. Here you send snaps of your eats. That certified nutrition coach analyzes them & dish out easy & personalized tips that adjust your habits. This app is free to download.
So download any of this app right now and make your fitness-journey more comfortable and easy.
(With these apps,) Happy (easy-)weight-loss! ?
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