Just like the tattoo industry, the Botox industry will continue to thrive as long as humans want to improve their looks and self-esteem. But there’s a new product in town. Evolus’s Jeuveau prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs is said to work wonders on...
Why spend heavy amounts of money on facials when you are a pro at taking care of your skin on your own? Well, to begin with, a facial is more than just a few pieces of cucumber on your...
Wrinkles, fine lines, black spots, and other blemishes go hand in hand with aging. They become more noticeable as you get older. When you reach the age of 50, they are so visible that most of the time, makeup...
Do you want to lose weight naturally? It is possible. But before you can get the results, there are essential things you can do to lose weight. You can lose weight fast. If you intend to keep excess weight off...
How do you stop dry and itchy skin in its tracks? We’ve all heard of the smart techniques to keep our skin glowing, whether it is drink plenty of water or relying on the right cream. Consumers can certainly...
From annoying to embarrassing – skin conditions are not an easy thing to deal with. They’re usually very visible, and even if it’s something as simple as a single red zit on our cheek, it still makes us feel...
It may not be the most pleasant topic to chit chat with your family during the Sunday lunch, but it is something that all dog owners should know. Cancer is a fairly common disease in animals; in half of...
It’s a brand-new day, and you’ve woken up with a painful rash on your face. Initially, it might seem small enough to cover up with a bandage and call it a day for the time being. After all, no...
Every day you want to top your shelf with some new skincare products. You wonder what one thing that I add in here. But with new skincare products hitting the market every day it gets super hard for one...
Surgery and burn scars can be the most visible scars on the human body. When the skin has been broken, the body attempts to stitch it back together, but the new tissue, commonly called scar tissue, or just scars,...

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